The Ultimate Kashmir Bike Trip

Sonamarg to Manasbal Lake Srinagar to Gulmarg Srinagar to Gurez valley Srinagar to Lolab valley Srinagar to Pahalgam Srinagar to SOnamarg

Get ready to experience the thrill of exploring the beautiful landscapes of this paradise on two wheels with Bike rental Srinagar.

So let's start our journey  and cover best kashmir biking routes.

Srinagar -GUlmarg road

Srinagar to Gulmarg road is one of the most beautiful roads in Kashmir . The road is surrounded with thick deodar forests. 


Srinagar -sonamarg road

This is another beautiful road which you can explore on bike. The Sonamarg road is surrounded by snow capped mountains which presents a breathtaking experience.


sonamarg - manasbal road

Manasbal Lake is a popular tourist spot, and the road leading to it is incredibly scenic. It's the perfect road for enjoying a bike ride. So book the bike now at bike rental in Srinagar


srinagar to gurez road

The road from Srinagar to Gurez Valley is an amazing route for bike riders. As you ride along, you'll be immersed in the untouched beauty of lush and dense forests.


Bike rental Srinagar